The ALS Association
Mr. Tom and Andrew Tangaro, I can't tell you how much I appreciate the support of the Italian Open Board for our efforts to assist people and families battling ALS. At the ALS Association St. Louis Regional Chapter, our goal is to provide help and hope to those facing...

Sick and Elderly Program of the Hill
Italian Open Board of Directors, Thank you for your generous donation to our Sick and Elderly Program in memory of our donation fund. It is through the caring heart of people like you that we are able to continue to serve the needs of our community. Thank you for...

Saint Roch Parish
Dear Parishioners and Friends, For the past 100 years parishioners and friends of St. Roch have generously shared their gifts with the parish community with those in need. In our parish no one has lost his or her home. Actually, within the last four years, we have...

Sacred Heart Villa
Mr. Jamie Frisella and Mr. Chris Pagano, Thank you very much for your generous gift. Your gift will enable us to improve our school and the quality of care we provide for our children. We are most grateful to benefactors like you who are loyal to the mission of Sacred...

Rainbows for Kids
Dear Jan, Sam and Italian Open Committee, Thank you so much for the wonderful donation of $1,750! Thank you so much Jan and Sam for your involvement in this and thank you to all of you who organize and support the Italian Open. We really appreciate you helping...

Foster and Adoptive Care Coalition
Dear Joe Ambrose, What a fabulous way to end the year! Thank you and all our friends at the Italian Open for your continued, generous support. Your gift will be directed to our innovative and groundbreaking adoption programs and will make a huge difference in the...

Epworth Children & Family Services
Dear Gentlemen of the Italian Open: Thank you for choosing Epworth Children & Family Services to be the recipient of last year's Fund-A-Need at the Italian Open gala.We are very grateful to all of you for helping us support youth transitioning to adulthood by...

Boys Hope Girls Hope
Dear Nick and Phil, We gratefully acknowledge your recent generous gift through participation in the St. Louis Italian Invitational Golf Tournament for Charities! As you know, Boys Hope Girls Hope of St. Louis makes a long term, high return investment in promising...

Angels’ Arms
Dear Mike DiRaimondo, What a huge and very unexpected contribution! We love all of the wonderful and fun people involved in the Italian Open, and we're honored to be a part of your successful efforts. What a year it has been in the lives of some special foster...